Saturday, August 20, 2011

The start of something witchy - an introduction

Even though most of the people that will be reading this blog know me I thought I should do a small introduction vlog.

My name is Becca, I just turned 35 years old this past month and I am pagan. The pagan part of me is what I really want to talk about in this blog. I have a real hard time giving myself a true name in what I believe in because I take from so many beliefs. I am part kitchen witch/green witch/hedge witch. I think the past several years I have been able to narrow it down in what I really believe in.

It all started for me when I was in high school and I had to do a term paper on reincarnation. It was for my 10th grade history class and it was the best paper I had ever done for any class ever!! I was never a "A" student, in fact I was only about average really. This paper I got an "A" on and I was so proud of it!

In doing my research I had to look to books, not the Internet. The main reason, we didn't have the Internet, this was in 1992. So I went to the school and public library after school for weeks. We had about a month to write this term paper and I needed a good grade on it. In part of my research I had to look up different religions, each religion views reincarnation in a different way so I read up on a lot of them.

After that term paper was done I still wanted to learn more about different religions. I never thought that I would have a different belief in what I had at the time. I was a member of the Platte Center Presbyterian Church and I loved everything about it. The church was a country church, very small and quiet. The minister was a wonderful man, in fact he had a daughter that was just a few years younger then me which was great! But as the years went by and I learned more and more about different religions I started to change my views.

I have always been a person that is drawn to nature. Being outside and feeling the ground below me and the wind on my face, well that is what I love the most! I listen to what the animals and plants have to say and they do tell me things.

When I was about 26 or so I stopped going to church with my family. I have said I stopped going because I couldn't get up in the mornings and was just to tired, I said it was because Pete, the minister that I really liked was no longer there, but none of that is true. I stopped going because I stopped believing in just one God. I believe in the God and Goddess, the sun and the moon. I believe in much more now then I ever had in the past. Now I will never turn 100% away from the church. I do believe in some of what the Bible has to offer and what the church believes in, I just believe a little different now.

I have never done my year in a day, but I am thinking about doing that soon. In fact that is one reason I want to have this blog. I researched online, bought books and tried to join as many groups as I could in the beginning. All of that was good but I wished I would have done things a little different. So I am now taking the time to start my year and a day and relearn about myself and the path that I am on. I am committing myself to this blog for my path and also my year and a day.

Since Mabon is about a month away and its also one of my favorite times of year I will commit myself then to "restart" my journey. I have always felt that Autumn is a magical time of year so what a better time but then to start. Any advice that anyone has I would love to hear.

So that is just a small introduction into my life. There is so much more that I could write but I will save that for other blogs. I wish you all much love and many Blessings.