Monday, February 27, 2012


For three days now I have been trying to upload a video aqnd it wont upload to YT. This is driving me nuts!!! I think I have tried about 6 or 7 times now just tonight and who knows how many times yesterday and Saturday. Anyhow it just wont upload so I guess I wont be posting the video. I will try to make one tomorrow on my Flip camera and hopefully that one will upload.

I am looking for new cameras and a couple good friends gave me suggestions today. If anyone would like to give me ideas I would love to hear them. I will be making videos again soon, I am really missing it now. In the meantime I guess I will be bloggin more of my ideas.

Spring Fever Already???

Has spring fever already hit??? I do believe it has!!! I am so ready to start planting my garden and it seems a few others are ready too around the area.

I normally don't go home for lunch anymore but I had forgot something I needed so I went home today. On the way there i went by a yard that has a huge garden and they had already tilled the soil! In February!! In Iowa!! What? Did I miss something???

I know in southern states its normal to start a garden this time of year but in Iowa we don't start anything outside until maybe late March. Normally we have snow right now but this winter has been very mild, maybe 3 or 4 snow storms top and only an average of 3 inches each time. That isn't what a normal Iowa winter is all about.

This past weekend I bought a gardening magazine for my dad to read in the hospital and I was getting ideas of what to plant and when to plant it. My brother thought I should get out in the garden and start cleaning it already. I had other ideas and so did my dad, wait for another month before we start anything. My dad has been around almost 80 years and has been farming or at least living on a farm most of his life. I think I am going to listen to him.

Now when I saw the garden that was tilled I had to wonder if they knew something I didn't. Is winter over already? Are we done having cold days and snow?? I think its a little early to tell but I wont complain if spring does show up a little early. Its not really good for the spring flowers or budding trees but I must say I like the warmer temps.

In the meantime until another month goes by I will just dream of being out in the garden, preparing the soil for another year of vegetable growing. There are a few new veggies that I will be trying this year and I cant wait!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sleep patterns and the Full Moon

Its that time of month again, no not the dreaded female time, the Full Moon time! Last night was the Full Moon and she was hidden behind the clouds here where I live. When I left my house this morning a little after 6am I was finally able to see her and she was beautiful! Tonight I am also able to see her and once again I am in awe.

There are so many wonderful things that happen when there is a full moon. I can feel the energy rise up and wrap its arms around me, I feel love stronger, I feel more emotions, the world seems to come alive, so many wonderful things. One thing that the full moon brings that I don't like is the lack of sleep. I just can't sleep for a few days leading up to it, on the day of, and a few days after a full moon.

During the summer when I have my windows open and I feel a cool breeze on my face is when its at the worst. There is something about the full moon that draws me to it. It seems like I need to be awake and soak up the rays from the moon. I have always been drawn more to the moon then to the sun, most people need sunlight, I need moonlight.

Night time is when we all normally sleep, but right now I can't. I wish I could but something keeps me up on nights like this. I have tired lavender oil, teas, soothing music, even sleeping pills, nothing seems to help at this time of month. I can sleep during the day just fine, and I can even sleep in the early evening hours leading up to the moon rise, but as soon as the moon comes up, I am awake.

I was talking to my sister Jenn today on Twitter and she is also experiencing the same thing. Something that I have decided to do and I believe she will be doing it to is keeping a sleep journal. I will be keeping a journal on my sleep patterns for the next several months to find out if it truly is the moon that is causing me to lose sleep. I will also be writing down the weather, foods I eat, any stresses I might have, any herbal treatments I might try and anything else that I might think of.

I would love to hear if anyone else has the same problem I have in the lack of sleep. Any tips would be great too! I will be updating on here from time to time. Maybe in a few months I wont be having the same problems I am now, or at least maybe I can control them and get a couple more hours of sleep.

Monday, February 6, 2012

First real blog of the New Year

There are so many things I want to write about but where to really start? I could rant about so many things work, so-called friends, money issues, time management, the list could go on and on! So what shall my first blog be about in the new year????

Weight issues!

I have been going to Weight Watchers for a year now and I have only lost 10lbs. Now there were times that number was much more but as of today I have only lost 10lbs. Today was that last meeting that I was planning to go to until WW gave me a reason to stick with it, the cost was going to be cheaper! Instead of about $10 a week the price is going down to about $5 a week. The company I work for is paying for over half of it again and WW has dropped the cost of it. That is great news for us!

In the past year I haven't lost much and I have paid good money for what I have been learning, so why do I think this time around will be any different? Why keep paying money for something that may or may not work? Why keep going to the meetings if I have all the books and know how to keep track of what I eat? Why? Accountability that's why!

When I have someone to go to the gym with I go. When I have someone to diet with, I diet. So with WW I have to weigh in each week with my friends and I don't want to be the one to say I gained when I should have lost!

The past year I have had lots of stress, much more then what anyone knows about. I tend to keep a lot of my feelings inside and that results in stress. I am a stress eater so when I was stressed, I ate more. This year starting today will be different. I am coming out of what was the worst month ever for me in the past 3 or 4 years. This month is going to be different, no stress in sight and if there is I will deal with it head on instead of letting it get the best of me.

Weight Watchers is only on part of making myself healthier, this blog is a step to becoming better too. This will be a way to let my feelings out, no matter what they may be. Tomorrow is a fresh start and I am looking forward to it!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wanting to Blog again

Its been a month since I have posted a Vlog. Its been even longer since I posted a Blog. I think its time that I start getting back to the life that I once had. I have been wanting to Blog more and more lately and it seems like now might be the time to get started again. I also think its time to make this Blog public. So for those of you that are on my Beccawitch Facebook page, you will get the first look at this. I wont be posting anything but this tonight since its so late at night but have a look at my other blogs and tell me what you think. This blog will have some rants from time to time, I have so many that I want to share with you all just to have some release. But for now I will go and say good night. Much love to you all that read this!!!